About me:


If you’re here, then it means you want to know who’s behind this. Well, there is not much to tell, really.

About me:

I’m an electronics technician by heart, raised by a family of teachers and anonymous artists. I have an insatiable curiosity for everything. I dabble in mechanics, robotics, investigative sewing, electronics, functional jewelry and anything susceptible of aesthetic enhancement.

My personality revolves around self criticism: always improve, never be satisfied, altough on the rare ocasions I manage to marvel myself, I try not to enjoy it for long, changing my point of view to see flaws I left behind.
I have, however, learned the hard way that sometimes enough is enough. Because relationship between effort and quality grows exponentially, there is a point where adding quality requires too much time, and only a very few will nottice the diference.

I have a very complete (but ever growing) workshop at home: Mill, Late, centenarian Sewing Machine, Laser cutter, 3D printer, medium vacuum pump, simple oscilloscope, regulable power supply and other bits of gear that allow me to build almost anything my mind desires.
(wanna see what I do?)

I warn you, I’m NOT an engineer, just a technician. I don’t know everything about electronics, in fact, I’m not especially brilliant. (but I’m quite verstaile, so that’s why I’m a keeper). Don’t expect counsel from me, I’m not that good, except at soldering, I can solder 0402 leds with the naked eye, a fine tip soldering iron and tweezers, can you?

What I lack in electronics knowledge, I have it in passion. I love my job, it gives me such freedom and boredomless that I would not trade it for anything, noone would pay me enough to make me switch. I have almost complete free will for ordering pieces I need for my personal projects. I can pop out my smartphone and take interesting pictures anytime. I can do, more or less, what I want when I want, and I’m not a bos’s son or anything like that, just a resourceful guy who can give quick solutions to unexpected problems. My bosses love that.

I love to create tools to improve production. Usually done quickly and hellishly. But they work, and do not break easily. Sometimes I’m just one more in the production line, and don’t think for a moment that I can’t do hard work. In fact, most of the time I am the fastest on the line when a new job comes. My only weak point is soldering cables. I find it boring, and hence, I can’t match our girls speed at it, but apart from that, I’m the king of the mountain in my own small country.

That said, I hope you find this blog amusing, and who knows, maybe contribute ^_^

Wish to contact me? (can’t imagine why), send me an email to electronicmercenary(at)gmail(dot)com

4 responses to “About me:

  1. Hello there!
    I’m following your blog since a few time ago, and I like it so much. I don’t know why, but I think you work in Barcelona or nearby, is it right? I would be happy to know there’s someone near me with the same interests…
    Keep it on!

    • Hola!
      Donçs podría ser, tot i que jo preferexio dir sempre que estic a la estació polar McMurdo. (potser perque es la fusió de noms dels meus personatges de serie favorits, McGyver y Murdock. (ja, es MacGyver, pero bueno).
      Has provat d’aproparte als dos makerspaces que han obert (o estan obrint)? segur que podrás trobar més gent com nosaltres. Jo no hi vaig, principalment perque el makerspace ja el tinc a casa, i perque buenu, no em duc be amb la gent que veu cervesa en llocs de treball amb maquines potencialment perilloses, pero es que soc un maniàtic. ^^U
      Molt interessant el teu blog per cert, molt mes profund que el meu!

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